Today the first round of extraordinary elections are taking place in France after Macron dissolved the National Assembly on the 9.06.2024, twenty minutes after the results of the European parliamentary elections, just after the French far right became the biggest political force, and after the far right asked Macron to dissolve the Assembly.
The events that followed have been extraordinary: great shock of such untimely elections across the French political spectrum (... even within Macron's political party), tantrums by right liberals locking themselves in the headquarters of their party, disputes among the far right, and the extraordinary and Godspeed alliance of fragmented left forces. An alliance, that to be fair, remains fragile and aware of the prompted for treason by those leaning more towards the center-right. An incredible effort has been brought up to encourage people to get politicized and vote, with the very awareness that real democracy is far more than the electoral vote.

Today is the first round of elections that will define the two candidates to run for the second round on the 7.07.2024.
The self-proclaimed "center" president Macron, the only option to the people in France to encounter what he calls "the extremes", left and right, uses far right jargon to rally people behind him and incurs in fearmongering by talking about civil war if any of the extremes win. Macron's government is one that has bypassed the Parliament on several ocassions to impose bills, such as the pension reform.
Three weeks ago Macron served the French Parliament to the far right on a silver plate. Macron appears as a president disconnected from reality, whether on a self-grandiosity delusion trip or a self-destructive path, one thing is sure... his actions compromise not only his political party but the faith of the whole country. Today, the first round of votes will inform whether, despite an unstable president, the progressive people in France manage to organize themselves to counter the far right forces that are creeping over Europe.
To know more about the elections in France, here is the official website.